Thursday, December 29, 2011

So 2011 ends...

How will you celebrate your New Year's eve? That is the question I got from people. The usual...with family, food, drinks and lots of fun. I did get an invitation from someone. But of course family and friends come first. My Tatay will kill me if I am not with them. hahaha

The galavanter in me kicked in. It did cross my mind that I should plan a trip over the holidays next time. Get to experience different culture and be in a different place for a change. Hmmm...2012 or 2013 maybe.

Thinking of revamping the look of my blog. Maybe I will do it over the weekend if time permits. Been out and about recently doing more workout (no... I am not complaining). Have done a little traveling and will most likely do more next year. I am just glad I am back to my old self...the fun and carefree ME.

2011 ain't that bad. The year of challenges that made me stronger. The year of opportunities that made me better. The year of blessings that I am thankful for. The year that I met interesting people. The year I made life changing decisions. Life only gets better and to sum it up my life is awesomely fabulous.
Happy new year folks!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I don't want a perfect person. I just want someone to act silly with, someone who treats me well and loves being with me more than anything. ---The Notebook

Sunday, December 18, 2011

S T O K E D !!!

Location: Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines
Best Time to Travel: Anytime of the year even when rainy. Though not advisable during strong rain or typhoon since waves and current are more unstable.
Accomodation: For resorts and hotel accomodation go to San Fernando or San Juan. Bacnotan does not have any resorts or resting facility. This is still under developed but considered as one of the good surf site in the province. They have more friendly waves and less current. Accomodations can cost you Php 700-3000/room depending on the resort and location.
Surf Lessons: Go to San Fernando and look for Chris Par. He is a very good instructor.
Cost: Php 400/ hour of lesson including rent of surf board. Jeep rent for Php 600-800 if you wish to be taken to different surf sites.
Transportation: There are bus from Manila and other parts of the province. Try Partas or Dominion. Fare from Manila is Php 500-600/ pax (one way).
Food: There are several restaurants in the area so food is not a problem. Fast food are not accessible though. You may need to travel to the town proper for it.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars for a tourist and fun destination.
  • Make sure to wear a rash guard when surfing to prevent rash or wounds when climbing up the board while surfing. Preferably wear longer surf shorts to protect your knee from rash too.
  • For newbies I do suggest you take the lessons and don't try it on your own. The first 15- 30 mins should be instructional or surf lessons the rest will be actual ride on the board.
  • Do have a surf buddy or an instructor to be safe.
  • Definitely wear sun block with SPF 50-70. You will get a tan even if it is cloudy. Sun usually peaks at 10AM-02:00PM.
Surfing my accidental high! Definitely going back soon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Entry 10: Back to Me

So it was last day session at Sexy Solutions yesterday. Thought of using it for my abs. So after the treatment I lost an inches on my waistline. Not that I haven't for the previous weeks. I actually lost 3 inches through diet alone. I was surprised to have fit in my old jeans and slacks. I mistakenly picked a one size smaller pants at Zara and fit me perfectly. I tried on a new long sleeves polo shirt that's been sitting in my closet for months. I can't wear it since it was too tight before. Overall I lost 11 lbs since I started with the treatment and flexitarian diet. Never felt better and lighter for so long.

So I had a basketball and badminton game last Sunday. A and I played with the was fun. Then yesterday was so hyped about doing something active so ran from Rockwell back to Nicanor Garcia and back to Rockwell. I haven't done that for ages but it felt great. My body is hurting a good way. Wohooo....15 more pounds and I am back to my old self...definitely bringing sexy back! :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Entry 9: Stick to the Plan

 I have been tempted so many times to cheat on my diet. Good thing I am able to resist. On my 5th week and still feeling better. No cravings and binging. I did had a piece of beef yesterday though. I figured if I don't deprive myself then I won't have to deal with the cravings more difficult. Turns out I am okay and was able to resist eating too much. I am beginning to love the taste of fish and have been eating chicken. Still going Flexitarian. Lost 3 inches on my wasteline and still losing pounds (slowly). Lost 9lbs to date...not bad since I just started with my diet last month. My clothes have started to losen up. I am beginning to fit on my old pants now. Flatter tummy and feels light. Going flexitarian and all natural is a lifestyle change that will make you feel good in and out. Just happy I am surviving this diet. One thing I need to improve on is stick to my gym sessions...just can't find the time these days.

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's been a looong time since the last time I felf comfortable being single and alone. I can catch up on so many things...go back to reading...go back to the gym...go people...take care of ME...not worry about anything...discovering life and people...hopefully traveling soon...planning one this month.

Life is just happier and sweeter.  I'm loving it!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Entry 8: Pounds Off

So it's been 14 days since my diet plan...21 days of no pork and beef. I already lost 7lbs and hopefully counting. The countless times I got tempted to cheat and eat a huge juicy burger...I was successful to resist and stick to my diet. I am currently at party...I did cheat a bit. Ate breaded shrimp and chicken with cream sauce. Oh no! No pork and beef but had some dairy! I was able to resist the alcohol though. Tsktsktsk!!! What to do? What to do? This calls for a double sets on the stepper tomorrow at the gym. I need to go back to my diet. Definitely going back!

On my last 2 sessions at Sexy Solutions next week. My arms and thighs did improve though not I was expecting. I am not sure why the machine was not that responsive to me. If there is any consolation I did lose some inches on my waist and have a flatter tummy. Crossing my fingers for better results.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sometimes you just outgrow people.
Don't try to fight it, understand it, or repair it.
Just let it be.
Go ahead and just be happy.
Love comes to those who still hope after disappointment, who still believe after betrayal, and who still love after they've been hurt.

Entry 7: Don't Panic It's Organic

After 2 weeks of going Organic and buying natural and artificial free food here are some I made and been eating...It's 2 weeks now without pork and beef. After following the detox diet plan I already lost 5lbs so far. clap...clap...clap.

Chicken Afritada- use fresh tomatoes instead of tomato sauce. Sautee chicken with garlic and onion. Add tomatoes when chicken is half cook. Add some water and bring to boil. Add bell pepper, potatoes and carrots. Season w/ salt, pepper and chili flakes. (use all natural and organic ingredients. serve with half cup of rice)

Malunggay and corn soup w/ Shrimp. Sautee garlic, onions and shrimp. Add water, corn. Bring to boil. Season w/ salt and pepper. Add malungay when corn is cook.

Asparagus, baby corn, bell pepper and carrots. Sautee w/ garlic and onion over olive oil. Season with thyme, basil, salt and pepper. (pair it with a grilled fish or chicken)

Organic Chicken Adobo- boil Free Range Chicken, Apple Cider Vinegar & Liquid Aminos (alternative to vinegar & soy sauce), tpepper, thyme and bay leaf. Once chicken is cook remove it and pan fry using a teflon pan until meat is brownish. Then put the sauce back and simmer for a few minutes.

Alpanghap Fish ( just like lapu-lapu) with fresh basil, salt and pepper.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Entry 6: Food To Buy

So I went grocery shopping to buy ingredients for my meal that I planned for the rest of the week. I was surprised that it was more difficult to buy food that are 100%, natural, no preservatives, pesticide free, gluten free and non-dairy. Here are some stuff I got:

100% natural corn nachos for snacks (you can add century corned tuna and salsa @ Healthy Options P95.00)

Muscovado Sugar 100% natural & pesticide free (made from sugar cane better than white and brown sugar...78 calories/ 1tbsp. @any grocery P70+)

Rice or Almond Milk (Non-dairy alternative for Milk in making your soup creamy@ Healthy Options P105.00)

Sesmark Rice Thins (good for snacks that will satisfy your cravings @ Healthy Options P220.00)

Free Range Chicken (organic and no hormones)
Herbs and Spices to season your food, Olive Oil to pan fry (will blog about how you use these later)

Entry 5: Food To Cook

So I have been contemplating on what food I can cook that will be within my diet plan at the same time satisfy my cravings and make me feel full. Here are some I made so far:

Chicken Basil with Corn & Carrots (marinade organic chicken w/ fresh basil, pepper and salt. use olive oil to grill)
Cream of Dory in Rosemary with Seafood Pumpkin Soup (season fish with rosemary, pepper and salt and pan fry with olive oil)
Pan fried Salmon and Milk Fish (marinade with basil, salt, pepper and pan fry with olive oil)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Entry 5: Losing Weight & Eating Healthy

Today was my 3rd session at Sexy Solutions. I was measured and lost "0. inches" on my arms and thighs. Still hoping to lose bigger inches. Darn must be because I am bloated again. Good news is I lost 2 lbs on my weight just after 3 days of diet. Non-dairy, No MSG, No Gluten, No Preservatives and portion control. I hope I can sustain this. Went to the grocery to buy ingredients for my meal. I was disappointed to find out the food sold at Shopwise are not diet friendly. I can't even find a range free chicken. Will try to look for it Landmark or SM Supermarket. I made some Non-Dairy Pumkin Soup for dinner. To do this follow the recipe on my previous blog. Replace the milk and cream with coconut milk or rice milk. Don't put butter and use olive oil to sautee the seafood you can add. Don't use chicken cubes or instant broth and go easy on the salt. Put turmeric, basil, cinnamon and nutmeg to add a twist. Herbs and spices are good for those who are on a diet. This is what's for dinner today.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Entry 4: Going Flexitarian

Going Flexitarian? What is it about? A Flexitarian is an omnivore who predominantly eats a plant based diet but also eats small sea and land animals (Fish, chicken, meat, eggs, shellfish etc) occasionally.

I don’t think I can ever give up meat totally (maybe not yet) but I will try to go away with Pork and Beef for now. I have to eat more vegetables, fish and poultry. Avoid preservatives, pre-packed food, gluten and MSG on food. I am definitely buying organic, natural and fresh produce. I will get rid of all the condiments and high on sodium seasoning at home. Just when I did some grocery shopping last week and there are a bunch of stuff at home just to find out it can cause bloating and inflammation.

Here is in my grocery list for tomorrow:

• Organic Chicken (try Bounty Fresh)
• Malunggay leaves
• Fresh White Corn
• Garlic
• Carrots
• Turmeric (for rice)
• Nutmeg
• Coconut Milk (substitute for milk on my pumpkin soup)
• Pumpkin
• Canola Oil (to replace my soya oil)
• Muscovado (no brown sugar from now on)
• Vermicelli (for chicken sotanghon soup)
• Cream of Dory/ Sole (pan fried fish in olive oil)
• Baby Kaylan (greens..if lucky that I find one here)
• Shrimp
• Celery and Ginger

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Entry 3: Diet Plan

After the session with Sexy Solutions they gave me a diet plan that is supposed to be Hypoallergenic, anti-bloat and anti-inflamatory. It shoud omit allergic and gassy food. It was suggested to eat small portions of meal every 3-4 hours daily to control blood glucose throughout the entire day. This is also to maintain a high metabolism and prevents you from eating too much during the later time of the day. Here are some food DO's and DON'T's in the next 3 weeks:

  • Commercial Chicken and Pork
  • Packaged and Canned Meat/ Goods
  • Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Fast Food
  • Egg Products, Dairy, Hydrogenated Oils
  • Candy, Cookies, Cakes, Ice Cream, Pizza, Pastries
  • Smoked and Pickled , Food 
  • Condiments, Sauces, Gravy, Jams, Catsup, Mayo, Vinegar, Soy Sauce
  • ALL Raw Vegestables, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Cabbage, Mushrooms
  • Oats, Wheat, Brown Rice, Egg and Flour Noodles, Cereals, ALL BREADS
  • Beans, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds
  • Artificial Sweeteners, Sugar, Syrup
  • Instant Teas, Cola, Alcohol
  • Apple, Pears, Grapes, Dried Fruits, Watermelon
  • Fish, Seafoods
  • Organic or free range Chicken (Bounty Fresh has this)
  • Hormone free Organic Pork (Try Rustans)
  • Bottled (not canned) Sardines, Tawilis/ Herring (tuyo)
  • Preservative Free Century Corned Tuna (max 1/ week)
  • Papaya, Mango, Cantaloupe, Melon, Banana, Pineapple
  • Water, Lemongrass Water, Pandan Water, Fresh Fruit Shakes
  • Whole-not refined Grains
  • White Rice (1/2 cup max per meal)
  • Vermicelli, Flat Glass Noodles,
  • Rice Crackers, Almond Thins
  • Carrots, Squash, Spinach, Eggplant, Zucchini, Malunggay, Kangkong, Tomatoes
  • Moderate Amount of Potato, Minimal Onion and Garlic
  • Oil: Olive, Sesame, Canola, Sunflower, Flaxseed
  • Herbs & Spices (dried and fresh)

They also gave me a list of restaurants and food I can order. I tried the Low Calorie Grilled Fish from Kenny Rogers Roasters. Not bad at all and I feel full after 5 hours. I did have a cup of fresh fruits to follow the 3-4 hours meal pattern. Have encouraged friends to eat healthy as well. Damay-damay na ito! lolz!

Entry 2: Treatment Update

So I decided to do a sort of chronicle for the steps and procedures I am taking to be healthy. Had my 2nd Session at Sexy Solutions for the arms and 1st session for the thighs. I already lost 0.2 inches on my lower arms from the 1st session. It remained the same for the 2nd time because I am a bit bloated since my monthly cycle is due anytime. Good news is the body fats are much softer now so it will be easier to flush out.

I did lose 0.5 inches on my thighs on my first session with Lipo Cavitation, Multi Firm and Body Sculp. Next session will be on Saturday. We will see!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weekend Galore

It's been a fun weekend. Got to catch up with everyone that started last Friday. Hangout at Opus for some great music and groovin with my people plus someone we haven't seen in a while (B,A,R and the 2 J's). Everyone was dead drunk and had a blast. Darn these vodka can really take you home wasted (for them and I wasn't).

Saturday wellness in a treatment center and salon for some hair and nails cleaning. Sunday chill with Family over great dinner. Monday trip to the cementery to visit my grandparents. Whole day of sleeping and resting. Weekend ended with a trip to Baclaran (my usual weekly thing) to rejuvinate my soul. Over all it's been a great long weekend. Looking forward to another one this coming week. What to do? I have no idea yet...but one thing is for sure...I am definitely starting to have the time of my life again. clap...clap...clap!

Black Eyed Peas in Manila

Had one of the best time last Oct 25 when I went to watch the Black Eyed Pease Concert with my little bro. They were superb...not a dull moment. Their voice were even better than when you hear them on radio or cd. Great music, superb showmanship, lights were unbelievable and of course one of the best concert ever. Best of it all i got my VIP tickets for free. Wohooo!
Next stop Katy Perry live in Manila on January 22, 2012 at SM MOA Concert Grounds.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Entry 1: Getting My Sexy Back

Are you looking for a non-invasive way to get rid of those fats that just won't go away? After hearing all the hype about the new treatment in town I finally did my first session today. I was at Sexy Solutions today to try 3 of their signature treatments. I was fortunate to have got some sessions at a discount rate from both Deal Grocer and promo from them directly. Here's how it went:
  • Lipo Cavitation- breaks down stubborn fat cells with the use of low frequency ultrasound. I used to think my arms were fine but just to find out that fats can be hard as well. This treatment will help break them down. This will take at least 45 minutes to be completed and best done first before the other 2 treatments. Said to improve blood circulation, collagen production and add elasticity to the skin texture. The therapist applied a gel then machine is massaged on the area you wish to be treated. You will feel a warm massaging sensation and a slight ringing/ cricket sound in your ear. (pic from the co. site)
    • Cost: Php 12,000/ session/ area- arms and thighs are cost in as one. 
  • Multi-Firm-reduces fat with the use of radiofrequency that destroys the fat cells through heat waves. Reshapes the area and the skin is tightened as well. Helps improve the appearance of cellulite and stimulate collagen formation. The therapist applied glycerin oil to help lubricate the area and to lessen the heat. Then you will feel a massaging sensation with heat coming from the applicator. Body temperature to reach 40-42 degrees Celsius to be effective. Treatment will take 30 minutes. 
    • Cost: Php 9,000/ session/area-arms and thighs are cost in as one.
  • Body Sculpt- treatment that use muscle energy pulse to stimulate muscle contraction needed for toning and shaping the area. Said to improve blood circulation, decrease the size of fat cells, lymphatic drainage and increases metabolism. The treatment is suggested to avoid having bulges and sagging skin once fat is broken down and heated. This is done right after Multi Firm in 30 minutes. You will feel a snapping or tingling sensation on the skin.
    • Cost: Php 4,500/session/area- -arms and thighs are cost in as one
I was measured before and after each session to monitor my progress and affectivity of the treatment. Did I lose some inches? I did...0.2 inches on my arms. Though not significant yet because it was my first and fat is still hard and had to be broken down. I would expect a bigger difference on my succeeding session. Though I can feel my arms are tender and tightened. They discourage lifting weights so as not to increase muscles yet. Target to complete my program is before December. A bit pricey on the budget but they are cheaper than other treatment clinics. They offer 50% for clients who availed their treatments via deal grocer. Regular promo is at 35% until Dec 2011. The clinic is very sanitary and the staffs are friendly which make losing weight more relaxing. Crossing my fingers. I hope it works.
Lipo Cavitation- pic from the co. site...forgot to take some
Multi-Firm and Body Sculp
Sexy Solutions by Belo
  • Unit 23 Ground Floor South of Market (SoMa) Residences, 26th Street corner 11th Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Tel No– 552.14.63 or 0917.867.1329 (they do valet parking for this office
  • Unit 912 Medical Plaza Building, Amorsolo corner De La Rosa, Street, Legaspi Village Makati City Medical Plaza. Tel No – 840.5588 or 0917.860.5120

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Crib- Entry 1

I was happy to hear that my investment appraised it's value at 17% after a year. Today I bought a parking space and by next week it's appraise value will be at 10%. I know this may not be a big deal for someone who is rich and have had so many investments. For me this was a life decision I made for myself. My parents and aunt didn't really support it for whatever reason I don't know. One day I will prove them wrong and they will tell me I made the right decision in getting this (crossing my fingers). I am so excited and can't wait for it be ready for occupancy. I shop for condo fixtures and lightings if I see something I like. Just got the most gorgeous chandelier and I got it for a really good price. Yeyyyy!!!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Don't beat yourself up over something that just didn't work out, especially if you know you didn't let go easy and truly gave it your best. #TLS

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Life is too short to waste another minute on anyone or anything that doesn't make you happy. BE HAPPY!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good Meal Option

Given the limited selection of health friendly restaurants with all these easy and fast food chains everywhere. I always end up at Starbucks which is the most convenient one at the ground floor of my office. To eat healthy you need to know every bit you put in your mouth and how they are cooked. Browsing…looking…

Clubhouse (NO)
Tuna Waldorf (NO)
Spam and Cheese Sandwich (NO)
Chicken Pesto Sandwich (YES)

Starbucks - Chicken Pesto Sandwich (Wheat Free)
Nutrition Facts-
  • Calories 428
  • Sodium 0 mg
  • Total Fat 0 g
  • Potassium 0 mg
  • Saturated 0 g
  • Total Carbs 0 g
  • Polyunsaturated 0 g
  • Dietary Fiber 0 g
  • Monounsaturated 0 g
  • Sugars 0 g
  • Trans 0 g
  • Protein 0 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Vitamin A 0%
  • Calcium 0%
  • Vitamin C 0%
  • Iron 0%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Serving: 1 pack

Monday, October 3, 2011

“@ihatequotes: We are all searching for someone. And if we can't find them, we can only pray they find us.”

Losing Weight - Take 2

So I got caught up with work crap again for the previous months. Was busy wrapping up things because I  moved to a new work. So here I am settled. Happier with my new job. Enjoying the perks and getting along with everyone. I need to get back on track so I enrolled myself back to a gym. I keep putting this off but this time I will start and never stop. Darn it...when you start to age losing weight is very much harder. Not to mention you are always hungry. So I stopped eating rice totally...well except for Sunday during family dinner. I have been eating out a lot I must admint (will blog about that in the future). Boils down to choosing the right food to put in your mouth I guess.

Will it work this time? I hope...going back to see my Endocrinologist...she definitely made me lose 10 lbs on my first month with her program and I did it in a healthy way. Go go go!

The Kitchen Musical

An Asian musical composed of diversed Asian talents mostly Filipinos. The story revolves around a rich young girl who goes to work at her father's famous restaurant The Avilon after graduating from the culinary school Le Cordon Blue in Paris.

I just watched the premier today in ABS CBN and I am impressed. Good production and great music. It features different menu of dishes which is something new for a tv series. By nature I love food...I love to cook...I love to eat and explore food. This is definitely interesting and a show I will look forward to watch. Well done guys! Thumbs up to the actors, producers and crew! Can't wait for the next episode. Clap! Clap! Clap!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Paris or New York

Who would you pick if Paris and New York were a man?

Paris would mean coffee and laid back afternoon outside a café. A walk in the street reminiscing old culture and architecture. Makes you think of patisserie, coffee, French cuisine and narrow streets. Versailles, Moulin Rouge, Louvre Museum , Notre Dame, macarons, croissant…

New York is more of modern structures with class and art. All about broadway shows, museums and scenes on modern day movies. Fusion of restaurants and hip bars that never sleeps. Serendipity, Statue of Liberty, Met Museum, Yankees, St Patrick’s Church, donuts, hotdog.
I have been to New York for a couple of times and I have been obsessing about Paris since I was young. hmmm....Eiffel Tower or The Empire State Building?

Monday, September 26, 2011

You had me at Hello!

It’s been a very sinful year...I have been having a love affair with the Italians, French and Americans. Indulging on these things are bad habits I can't break. Since January been seeing Tory, Gucci, Champ, Balenciaga and even had Louis twice this year Damier and Epi not to mention had it one last year already and it was Never Full. Broke up with Prada...that old thing. I used to settle with Ralph, Anne, Kenneth and the West before. This has catastrophe written all over it. I keep saying every time that it will be my last but I just can’t stop. Have we invented a cure for this yet? Darn it! I am losing it! Hi I am LAKWATSERA and I am a BAGAHOLIC!

Losing Pounds

Sad to say I gained weight. With all the busy work schedules and going I gained what I lost before. Don't fret...have joined the gym again. With my new work I now have more time to go. Going back next week and hopfeully be consistent with it. Have been avoiding carbs and rice. I need to do this again. Can I do it? I hope so. Keep going...good life...healthier! Good luck!

Back in the Ball Game

It’s been 5 months since the last time I posted something here. I have been busy with life changing decisions and milestones in my life. I am about to sleep tonight and had the urge to get up and start writing again. Have been devoting more of my time making life easier and happier. It’s been a long journey and now I can finally say I am going beyond this stage.
I feel so blessed with all the good things happening to me. I have been stressing too much with my misfortunes before that I neglected the good things in life. I have started to see things in a different way. Found my sanctuary every time I visit Baclaran. I have found my peace. When things get low and I feel weakened by life’s challenges HE keeps me strong. HE keeps me grounded. THANK YOU LORD for being in my life! THANK YOU for taking care of me in times I feel I am about to give up. You have given more than what I deserve. Please let me continue to be a blessing to other people. Keep me strong so I can continue to do work for YOU. Life is just happier!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Deadly Words

To save every man the trouble of decoding a it is. Reposting from B.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hong Kong and Macau Trip

Thank goodness for Cebu Pacific Air seat sales I was able to book cheap plane fare to Hong Kong for only P4,000.00. You just have to be patient when booking theses kind of promo and make sure you have a good internet connection. Fire away...booked 3 seats for my other 2 friends.

When going to Macau take the Dragon Ferry which only cost HK$ 89.00 1 way compared to the other ferry that cost from HK$150-200 1 way. Visit Bellini Lounge at Venetial Resort Macau every Wednesday for free drinks for it's a Ladies Night. Went shopping and got a nice red bag from Long Champ.

Wasn't able to visit a lot of sceneries in Hong Kong and Macau basically just walk around to shop and meet some friends. Stayed at Grand Hyatt Macau and Hyatt Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. After walking for 7 hours I was cursing shopping. hahaha.

Definitely going back to see more sites, museums, restos and theme parks.