Thursday, August 27, 2009

Never to Ask Again

I always believe that giving your best at any situation is the right thing to do. Giving and not and not feeling. But one day you just wake up and realize there is nothing to give anymore. No matter how much you try it will always be the same to them...what you did is nothing...just a regular thing. You remain less interesting.

I have to love myself more than anyone else. I need to take care of myself more than anything else. I have given myself away too much already and it's time to take myself back...back to where it's going to be appreciated...well taken care and loved.

If they don't want to try then why should I? If you can give me a good enough reason for this then maybe I can reconsider. I am getting tired of giving away myself...getting tired of waiting for nothing...getting tired of being taken for granted. I will never ask for directions anymore...I am done. Whatever comes then so be it.