Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cosmic Symphony

I used to dread Fridays and weekends but beginning to love it again. Time to party, get together with people, hangout without thinking of tomorrow's work. I had a great time last Friday and this weekend...and looking forward to the next one. We planned some activities next week...will go play badminton, catch up with friends on some hangout time, maybe a bit of jogging, more shopping and chillax time with Family. I just did most of my shopping this week and a bit more later then go to mass. I am glad to feel happy on weekends again. Looking forward to vacations and holidays. More time for things I love to do, more time to study, more time to workout, more time for friends and people I love. More I LOVE time. More Me and Them Time.

Crossing my fingers. The universe is conspiring and this is what you call Cosmic Symphony.

***pic from the net

Fall For You - Nina

the song I would love to keep singing over and over...

There's a right or wrong to know for everything
And the truth is somewhere written in between
But there's always something missing in the dark
There you'll find the true condition of the heart

Well, I can visualize the pieces of a dream,
And it's not as far away as it may seem
But if truth be told, it is you that holds the key
To the question that defines my destiny


I've been in love, a time or two
I've seen the world, when i'm with you
I wanna fly and spread my wings
I don't wanna cry, I wanna sing
I wanna live and take a chance
I'm not afraid to love again
I wanna fall, fall for you
And I want you to fall for me too

I've hadplenty conversations with my heart
Coz I want this thing to work, not fall apart
So, I ask my heart how it can be so sure
And it answers me because your heart is pure

I have every expectation that is true
Coz my heart won't lie to me, much less to you
But if truth be told, it is you that holds the key
To the future that becomes our destiny


Unto the mountain snow that melts into the stream
My heart goes like a river to sea
To the heavens up above,
I pray to God our destiny is love