Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Entry 9: Stick to the Plan

 I have been tempted so many times to cheat on my diet. Good thing I am able to resist. On my 5th week and still feeling better. No cravings and binging. I did had a piece of beef yesterday though. I figured if I don't deprive myself then I won't have to deal with the cravings more difficult. Turns out I am okay and was able to resist eating too much. I am beginning to love the taste of fish and have been eating chicken. Still going Flexitarian. Lost 3 inches on my wasteline and still losing pounds (slowly). Lost 9lbs to date...not bad since I just started with my diet last month. My clothes have started to losen up. I am beginning to fit on my old pants now. Flatter tummy and feels light. Going flexitarian and all natural is a lifestyle change that will make you feel good in and out. Just happy I am surviving this diet. One thing I need to improve on is stick to my gym sessions...just can't find the time these days.