Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Nirvana

I have been meaning to write about this but just finding the right title for it.

NIRVANA- The Buddha described nirvana as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger and other afflictive states..."the highest happiness".

Doesn't everyone have a happy place? A place where they go when everything else is going wrong...when you want to escape this crazy world. It's where you find your peace and time stood still. It's the cooling air that blows on your face and the sound of trees as they dance with the wind...the waves of the water and the chirping of the birds. It's where I catch my beLOVEd sunset. After a crazy day it gives me peace and calmness.

Grab a cup of extra hot Starbucks Cafe Mocha with Hazelnut and Mint, chicken basil sandwich, a bag of Lays potato chips or a tray of california maki. Off I go...a place I share with another lost soul in search of life...my LOVE. We sit down over the edge, sip on the hot coffee...watching my ever colorful sunset. My mind is liberated from all worries and problems...at least for a moment my mind is free. Going here gives me a breather from the stressful life that we all have.

Here are some pictures I have taken using my phone camera and the only thing I can share with you:

This is my secret place...MY OWN NIRVANA I will be selfish this time and can't tell you where this is exactly for this is MY secret sanctuary and it won't be the same if everyone knows about it.