Tuesday, April 27, 2010


What's with these people who are fond of using JEJEMONS on their text messages or network sites? I am talking about educated people who types JEJEJE instead of HEHEHE. Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Making viewers raise their eyebrows out of annoyance when trying to understand what they were trying to say. How difficult is it to type H instead of a J? I would understand if they were trying to do shortcuts on words when sending text messages to save space but this has become a habit to them or worst has become a culture. They are growing in numbers and have been corrupting people on social network sites.

What's happening to these kids? Don't they recognize what they are becoming? Idiots who are creating grammatical chaos in cyber space. I hope this practice stops before realizing that it's affecting how they communicate to other people.  

I am not a JEJEBUSTER but this is really annoying.


JEJEMONS= - a person who likes typing consonants in all of his comments...using JEJEJE when laughing
JEJEBUSTERS= a person who doesn't like these retards

JEJEMONS = 3Ohw phOwh eVeR1yBhOodY! jejeje!
JEJEBUSTER= Stupid moron who talks crazy.