Thursday, November 26, 2009

Survival Kit

A Girl's Survival Kit in getting by your day and do something meaningful and productive:
  • Friends- who you can tag along anywhere ; who never gets tired listening to your stories no matter how stupid they may sound; meet old friends that you haven't seen for a while; make new friends
  • Family- hangout with them and do something fun...we have been busy with so many things that we don't get to do this a lot.
  • Shopping- lots of shopping to dress yourself up and look good
  • Exercise & Sports- you need to look and feel healthy about wear those rubber shoes and start running or play badminton
  • Trip to a Salon/ Spa- nothing beats pampering yourself and not to mention increasing your marketability
  • Out of Town Trips- venture into the unknown, lots of travel
  • Read- start reading that book that you've been dying to read for ages
  • Study- enroll in a class or course...will definitely take all of your time not to mention increase your mental state. Study and take that certification that you have been putting off for so long.
  • Project- start a project...either for yourself or for a cause...start a foundation or teach street kids (been wanting to do this)
These are just things on top of my head now...any other suggestions are very much welcome.