Friday, October 16, 2009

May Humps

What is Myoma?

Myoma -A solid tumor made of fibrous tissue, hence it is often called a 'fibroid' tumor. Most often slow-growing and usually cause no symptoms. The most frequently diagnosed tumor of the female pelvis and the most common reason for a woman to have a hysterectomy. The condition usually affects women over the age of 30 and women who have never been pregnant are particularly susceptible. The main symptom of a myoma is excessive, painful menstrual bleeding.

Anyone initially diagnosed with this is suggested to bear a child soon before the humps grows to full blown and hysterectomy will be done.

There are three common types of uterine myoma (fibroid), classified primarily according to location in the uterus:

  1. Submucosal uterine myoma (fibroid)
    This is when the myoma develops just under the lining of the uterine cavity. This type of uterine myoma often causes heavy menstrual bleeding as well as problems with fertility and miscarriages.

  2. Subserosal uterine myoma (fibroid)
    This is when the myoma develops on the outer portion of the uterus and continue to grow outward.

  3. Intramural uterine myoma (fibroid)
    This is the most common type of uterine myoma. They develop within the uterine wall and expand. This makes the uterus look and feel larger than normal (may causes bulk symptoms").

What are Common symptoms?

  • Pain in the back of the legs
  • Pelvic pain or pressure
  • Very heavy and prolonged menstrual periods
  • Pressure on the bowel which may lead to constipation and/or bloating
  • An enlarged abdomen (this may be mistaken for weight gain or pregnancy)
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pressure on the bladder which results in: a perpetual need to urinate, incontinence, or the inability to empty the bladder


For Upset Tummy

Who says you can't enjoy eating healthy? When someone is sick that is the time you can exaust all your effort in thinking what food to cook to make him well. He was suffering indigestion for days already so I decided to make a meal that he can eat and enjoy at the same time. Anyone sufferring from diarrhea make sure to remember these things so as not to worsen the condition:

  • Drink lots of water, gatorade or glucolite to prevent dehydration
  • No oily and fatty food
  • Avoid beef and pork...steamed white meat chicken and fish are better for they can be digested easier plus you get your daily protein needs.
  • No dairy products except for Yogurt. Look for yogurt that contains live or active cultures.
  • Try white rice and mashed potatoe-skip the butter and milk. Add spices instead for flavor
  • White bread and crackers -eat whole grain products
  • Have some tea-Chamomile and Peppermint is the best for it has a soothing effect.
  • Eat Bananas- it calms upset stomach
  • Avoid Sugar -Free food-it can have laxative effects
  • Avoid gas producing food-Beans, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onions, Sweet potatoes

Here are pictures of the food I about comfort food: