Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I am scared for you my friend

I am talking to my friend who is planning to get married soon. I am scared for her for I don't think this is what she really wants. She loves the person it's just that she is not ready for marriage. Here's how the chat went:

  • hindi si ##### ang huling lalaki sa mundo
  • don't be scared you won't get married
  • don't get married for the wrong reason
  • do it because that will make you REALLY HAPPY
  • plus marriage work both ways
  • hindi pwde puro ikaw
  • hindi pwde puro sya
  • spare him the miserable married life din
  • dont be the nagging unhappy wife
  • dont make him the angry unhappy husband
  • i don't care if i don't marry
  • if it will just be for the heck of getting hitched
Her: Thanks ###
  • please think about it really hard
  • for his and your sake
Her: I will..Thanks

I am scared for you my friend...I will pray for your guidance. I hope you make the right decision. If you need to tell them you can't marry him then I will do it for you if you are scared to do so. I don't care if I have to face their anger. I just want to save you for making the worst decision in your life. When in doubt...DON'T!