Sunday, November 22, 2009

They Make An A$$ of U and Me

some people would always assume:
  • you will always understand (even if you are just being patient or polite)
  • that you will always do what they say (because you are forced to)
  • that you are happy (just because you are smiling)
  • you are thrilled about the whole thing (even if it is boring)
  • you are their slave (because you get paid for it)
  • that you don't need romance, surprises and attention (because you don't ask for it)
  • that they can order you around (because they are the big fish and you are the small one)
  • that you are a millionaire (because you have a better job)
  • that you spend less because you earn more (even if you live on your own and pay for everything)
  • that you party all the time (when most often you are just at home)
  • that you cheat just because someone likes you (even if you don't like them back)
  • that what you got is just a flu (when it is something more)
  • that you are better off because you got money (when all you needed is to be loved)
  • that you are okay just because you don't talk (even if you just want to keep it down)
  • that you don't need help just because you don't ask for it (you don't want to be a burden to them)
who are they to tell you what to do? who are they to tell you what you are? who are they to be significant in your life? their opinions are theirs and not for you to take. you are what you are and love yourself for it. lessons in life is to expect less but be more grateful.