Sunday, August 23, 2009

When do you know it's real?

Have you been in love? In a REAL sense of the meaning of TRUE love? When do you know it is real? How can you tell if it is just an infatuation or false assumption or attachment or need?

You know it is real If:
* it makes you a better have and wilL become your full potential
* it makes you feel cOmplete (parang mala Jerry complete me)
* it is not selfish and is giVing without expecting anything in return
* it is uncoditional and vEry forgiving
* it is consistent and never rockY
* it understands and seldOm question
* there is trUst, openess and respect
* it accepts the whole you including your faults and brokeness
* it makes you sMile without him/ her doing anything special
* you cAn see yourself growing old together
* it never doubts wHat you feel
* it complements your weAkness and encourage your strenghts
* it is unwavering in spite of any probLems and challenges
* it never gives up and will keep trying
* it goes beyond beauty and material things
* you can stay true and will never intend to hurt
* you can waKe up with the same person for the rest of your life
* you want to be with the persOn not because of need/ obligation but because of choice
* you can stand up for the person regardless of any trials you have to face
* you die and have to re-live your life you still will choose to be in it

My list can go on and yet you may still not know what you really want. Have I been in love in a real sense...I have...the level may vary of course. Whoever is been in love like this is very lucky for we rarely find it in one lifetime. If you are in it treasure it and make it work. You just don't know how many people would want to be in your shoes now. There are some people who stay in a relationship because of need or obligation. This is not a matter of just being happy but it's a matter of being true to yourself and the people around you. Sometimes you have to make difficult choices but in the long run those were the best choices you may have made for the rest of your life. It is not too late to change and decide...make it happen until you still have the time and chance to do it.

Is it for real? You alone can say that for not everyone knows what you really feel and they don't know what will really make you happy. You are the only one who can make your life worth living.

Have a great Sunday LOVE!
***pic from the net