Friday, October 30, 2009

Stars and Universe

Will you listen when the universe is conspiring to show you signs and things you have to look into? We keep asking for signs...pray that He show us the way. But what if signs have been there all this time and we are just blinded to notice them...or too stubborn to recognize them.

Most of the time we know what is wrong. Most often than not we know what to do. But we keep justifying the things we do even if we know it's not right. Is it that difficult to accept the things we can't change? Is it difficult to accept the things we can't do or we can't have? I guess because human in general are competitive and a survivor. Winning is's the realization we are in control and we have the matter how small it is. It's in our nature to at least try and insist what we believe in.

What if having the power would mean realizing that we need to fail...that we need to give up? That being in control is trying to fight your own wants because you know it defies your core.

Maybe it will help if you would listen and be open to all possibilities. We keep asking why are we created to be in this world? I guess we'll never know until we find out for ourselves. The universe can show you but it is up to you to accept them and make it happen.

May peace be your journey my friend!

***photo: from the net