Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grant Me the Courage

I was angry...really angry...I was never this mad in my entire life. When you think everything is doing okay then something really bad happens and there is nothing I can do. Maybe God has other plans for everyone. What will I do? I still haven't figure that out...I am in a blackhole right now...nowhere...nothing...everything is endless...everything is worthless.

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Lord help me survive this greatest challenge in my life. I give it all up to you now. Please take care of me.

The Perfect Love Song

Today I finally got it. My best gift ever...a song written for me. The lyrics has been given to me way back but it's just today I finally heard it. It is full of emotions...I can't help myself but cry when I listen to it. Galeng sobra! This song will always be special and the best birthday gift I ever got.

Super Thanks...More Love!