Monday, October 3, 2011

“@ihatequotes: We are all searching for someone. And if we can't find them, we can only pray they find us.”

Losing Weight - Take 2

So I got caught up with work crap again for the previous months. Was busy wrapping up things because I  moved to a new work. So here I am settled. Happier with my new job. Enjoying the perks and getting along with everyone. I need to get back on track so I enrolled myself back to a gym. I keep putting this off but this time I will start and never stop. Darn it...when you start to age losing weight is very much harder. Not to mention you are always hungry. So I stopped eating rice totally...well except for Sunday during family dinner. I have been eating out a lot I must admint (will blog about that in the future). Boils down to choosing the right food to put in your mouth I guess.

Will it work this time? I hope...going back to see my Endocrinologist...she definitely made me lose 10 lbs on my first month with her program and I did it in a healthy way. Go go go!

The Kitchen Musical

An Asian musical composed of diversed Asian talents mostly Filipinos. The story revolves around a rich young girl who goes to work at her father's famous restaurant The Avilon after graduating from the culinary school Le Cordon Blue in Paris.

I just watched the premier today in ABS CBN and I am impressed. Good production and great music. It features different menu of dishes which is something new for a tv series. By nature I love food...I love to cook...I love to eat and explore food. This is definitely interesting and a show I will look forward to watch. Well done guys! Thumbs up to the actors, producers and crew! Can't wait for the next episode. Clap! Clap! Clap!