Monday, October 3, 2011

Losing Weight - Take 2

So I got caught up with work crap again for the previous months. Was busy wrapping up things because I  moved to a new work. So here I am settled. Happier with my new job. Enjoying the perks and getting along with everyone. I need to get back on track so I enrolled myself back to a gym. I keep putting this off but this time I will start and never stop. Darn it...when you start to age losing weight is very much harder. Not to mention you are always hungry. So I stopped eating rice totally...well except for Sunday during family dinner. I have been eating out a lot I must admint (will blog about that in the future). Boils down to choosing the right food to put in your mouth I guess.

Will it work this time? I hope...going back to see my Endocrinologist...she definitely made me lose 10 lbs on my first month with her program and I did it in a healthy way. Go go go!


  1. Go go go!!! Try and try lang tayo till we die haha

  2. hahaha...dare ulit and let's be losing weight buddy again. how are you doing so far? did you finally get the laptop? =P
