Monday, February 21, 2011

Piknik ---BAD

Just when I blogged about losing 10 lbs by April 01 then I found myself munching on a Piknik Ketchup Fries Potato Crisps. BAD IDEA!!! Flipped the can over there it is... 154 eeffffiiinn calories for 2/3 cup chips. Waaahhh! I am definitely getting rid of all unhealthy food here at home. I still have a tall canester of Pringles Sour Cream chips and it will have to go too. To make up I will run an extra 30 minutes on the stepper tomorrow. hayzzz!!
***Didimented: I am in trouble...the chocolates you sent are still in the fridge :(

Erotica by Michael Cacnio

Michael Cacnio -A world class brass sculptor for the social realist genre. On his 20th year anniversary he decided to create these masterpieces most often deemed as taboo by the society. This was opposite from his typical family, mother and child and community theme.

I met the artist and his wife Tess. They are very nice, accomodating and humble in spite of their success. Most of the pieces have already been reserved on the first hour of the show. I was very fortunate to have met a very talented artist. This really made my day or even year. One of the best Valentine ever!!!

Losing 10 lbs by April 1

So I got an sms message from my friend Didimented last Feb 16 at 12:12am encouraging me to lose 10 lbs by April 1. I told her I already started a week before she texted me. Am I progressing? I think so. Though I don't think I am progressing fast for I don't go to the gym recently. I had to undergo stress and 2D echo test for the heart to make sure I am fit to do these activities. I just got my result last Friday and I am fit to do so. I will try to hit the gym at least 3 x a week. Not only  have I committed to Didimented but my gym membership is expiring by April and I still have 100 visits to use. Wish us luck...we can do it. Go Go Go!!! 

pick-up lines ba to?

Ganito na ba pick-up lines ng lalaki now?

guy 1: Ahoi there woman!=pirata
guy 2: friends lng chong kung ok lng sayo?=jologs
guy 3: hi! I wish I have a sweet friend like u=styler
guy 4: Do u swill beer & manage audible body noises?=henyo
guy 5: u look great=bolero
guy 6: u seem nice person makes me wanna know u better=friendly kuno
guy 7: Let's have lunch or dinner or coffee & see where it goes=assumptinista