Monday, February 21, 2011

Losing 10 lbs by April 1

So I got an sms message from my friend Didimented last Feb 16 at 12:12am encouraging me to lose 10 lbs by April 1. I told her I already started a week before she texted me. Am I progressing? I think so. Though I don't think I am progressing fast for I don't go to the gym recently. I had to undergo stress and 2D echo test for the heart to make sure I am fit to do these activities. I just got my result last Friday and I am fit to do so. I will try to hit the gym at least 3 x a week. Not only  have I committed to Didimented but my gym membership is expiring by April and I still have 100 visits to use. Wish us luck...we can do it. Go Go Go!!! 

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