Monday, January 9, 2012

Entry 11: 2 more lbs

So I ended and started my year right with workout. Though did a bit of binging and drinking during the holidays but it didn’t stop me from losing weight. I figured I can eat a bit so as not to spoil the holiday spirit but definitely did some extra run and doubled my efforts just to stay fit. I went to gym and basketball 4 x a week before the festivities. Hard core physical activities…yeah…yeah…blame it on CTA who is a gym and basketball rat who pushes me and keeps me up on my toes in losing more. Man!crunches, weights and repetitions are painful…in a good way.

So I weighted myself again yesterday after weeks of not checking…tandadanan…I lost 2 lbs. I tried an old short skirt that didn’t fit me before and the last time I wore it was 3 years ago. It fit just right. Seeing results and feeling good about myself makes me motivated to work out more and loose more. Another 10-15 lbs for this month...let's go!

Stereo Hearts

Just lovin this song...make my heart sing.