Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Seven Years Saga and Over

It's been years that we keep in touch and remain friends. We were more than friends for a long time but decided to keep it platonic a couple of years back. It was a relationship that was not meant to last.

Though we managed to live our lives separately there is this thin thread that keeps us connected somehow. Maybe because we have been through a lot when we were together. Through a lot in a sense that we witness most of the great and worst things that happened in our lives. For some time he was that one person you run to when things go wrong. That one person who will never forsake you and will be there no matter what. That one person who will listen to anything you have to say. Though we don't talk often we just know where to pick up when we get in touch.

Today I decided to cut that thin thread that connects us. There is no sense of keeping it. Maybe that is the only thing that is holding everyone from moving on and living their own life separatetly. For the longest time I kept everything he has given me...maybe because I never thought of throwing it away yet...or just never get the chance to. Whatever reason that is keeping me from doing it I don't know. But last night I finally did. Time to clean your closet of old stuff...time to let go of those old stuff. I have this self imposed policy of not keeping memories , cards, pics or anything that will remind me of my past relationship. This is out of respect for whoever I am with or anyone in the future.

For so long I never thought I can get through was easier than expected but of course you still feel that little part of you dying. Any memory of anyone may it be a lover, friend or family that goes away permanently will always be a part of you. When you try to get over it ...that part of you dies with it.
Today the 7 years saga ends...finally it ends and I am free. A closure I have been wanting for so long.