Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Only Thing I Hold On To

Who or what do you hold on to when things in your life goes wrong? When all fails I hold on to BRO. When you think everyone has abandoned you and has forsaken you...It's HIM you can run to. For times when someone has disappointed you just pray and ask for faith. When someone was weak and left you...ask for courage and acceptance. When you failed to get what you want just start counting your blessings. It's a matter of changing how you see life and everything else in it.

As we go through life we can't avoid failures and pain. They make us stronger and better people. We just have to learn from them and move on. There is no sense of lingering over spilled milk. Of course there will be sadness and loneliness...we are human and we are predisposed to feel like that. The only thing that differs is how long will you allow yourself to be in that state.

Someone gave me cross...he got it while at the church attending a mass. A simple and yet meaningful gift.

I wish you well...the same way you wish the best for me.