Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Emergency Escapade

I wasn't feeling well yesterday since morning. Initially I thought I was just hungry when I woke up. Then I went to an early meeting at usual traffic was terrible. So I thought my dizziness was due to the driving of Mang Y. Panalo nman kasi magdrive tong tao na to parang free roller coaster ride lagi. Right after lunch I thought I'll feel better after eating. The whole day was sickening. I feel like throwing up, head is hurting like hell it's like being pricked by pins and needles, my back was killing me...barely make it to the parking. I finally decided to bring myself to the emergency room. I drove myself to a nearby hospital. Parked my car and had to fall in line. After 4 more patients the nurse took my temperature, blood pressure and had to answer all sorts of questions about my health history.

I was then endorsed to the Primary Care unit of the ER. Waited another 30 minutes to be attended. Another 15 minutes to be checked. Underwent initial screening for stroke...thanks goodness I passed that. The doctor requested my glucose/ sugar and blood tested. Another hour of waiting to get tested. Another hour to get the results.

I was diagnosed with Perpetual Vertigo, Hypoglycemia and Headache. They injected me with meds to keep me stable and I had to stay in the hospital until I can drive myself back home.

I didn't ask anyone to take me to the ER for I have always been independent and never rely on anyone especially on these things. I have been in this situation before where I had to go back and forth to the hospital every 2 weeks for years. I managed to get through it alone and I know I will be able to manage again this time. The doctor said I have to see an Endocrinologist to have my sugar and insulin checked plus an OB to see if my PCOS re-occurred. Hopefully I can do that anytime soon.

For I am surviving this roller coaster ride that I alone am on...Vertigo sucks!