Thursday, September 3, 2009

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

When opportunities come your way will you take it? I currently have a good job and not really actively looking. Then an offshore opportunity came....I have been contemplating on leaving the country for a while now. This company has been offering me work since last year. I got through the final interview and it's just a matter of negotations on overall package which can happen anytime soon.

I used to have a big reason for not leaving no matter how tempting the offer is. Then something happened. Things have changed and I now see leaving as my way of escaping. Just about when my life turned around this opportunity came.

My Tatay does not favor me leaving and personally I am somehow doubtful for I can no longer contribute to the development of our country. I may be able to send some $ back home but that does not equate to the things I can do when I am here. There are only a few project managers in the country and helping in grooming new project managers who does government projects is my way of sharing my skills in making this a better world.
Sometimes you care too much even if others don't. You worry too much when others don't. I now ask myself...should I continue to care and worry? Are there enough reason for me to stay or is this enough reason to go? If you can give me more reason then I may reconsider.