Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Life Plan for 2010

I am trying to come up with my 2010 plan...some call it new year's resolution but I want to call it my life plan. When I want to achieve something I make a list of how to get there. This started when I was still in school.I wasn't born rich and my family worked hard to send me to a good school. In return I try to make good grades and make sure I graduate. I worked hard to get to where I am and proud of what I have achieved. You can say I am a self made person. I have always been independent ever since I was a kid. At some point my parents doesn't even have to look after me all the time. They are confident that I can do things on my own and be myself.

Last year I started making major plans for my life. Then slowly it unfolds and I am able to achieve them somehow. So I continue to do so for this coming year. Things that I would like to look into for 2010:
  • Physical/ Health - After I got my diagnosis I need to get a second opinion. I put it off again. For some reason I was scared to hear the doctor say it again but I can't keep avoiding reality. I have to muster the courage to do this and face it alone. First thing I need to give my full attention to come first week of January. Thinking of going back to the gym and may need to enroll myself soon.
  • Financials - Getting there... can't complain. God has given me more than enough...more than I need for myself. I am happy that I am able to help my love ones.
  • Understand more...I am faced with difficult situations...with difficult people. I need to have more patience and understanding especially with the line of work I am in.
  • myself more.
  • Be less angry
  • Slow down a bit and enjoy the flowers
  • Travel more
  • Change my sleeping habits..sleep early and wake up early
  • Study/ Review for PMP...this one I really have to push myself into doing the soonest. Another thing I keep in my shelf for a long time.
Will add more later...