Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Workout and Diet Plan

I have been meaning to work out, go on a strict diet and lose some weight. Reason primarily for health and vanity is secondary. Been putting it off for so loooong. Finally was able to start yesterday...hopefully be able to continue until I reach my desired weight. Just doing my usual workout routine (which is proven effective ever since) at home for now and hopefully enroll myself in a gym nearby work by January.

  • Stretching
  • Cardio: Jumping Jacks, Jog and thinking of getting myself a skipping rope
  • Arm workout: dumb bells
  • Tummy, Love Handles and Butt: Ab Rocket
  • Waist: Figure Slimmer
  • Legs and Butt: Squats, Leg Swings
  • Cardio: Jumping Jacks, Jog
  • Cool Down Stretching
  • Hydrate while doing your routine
Food Intake:
  • Make sure to eat breakfast and don't skip the main meals. Eat less during dinner. Try to avoid Carbs especially rice. If you can do the after 6PM diet (no food intake after 6PM) then that would be better. Out body burn less calories during the night because of lack of activity.
  • No or Less Salt, Sugar and Oil
  • No color on liquid intake (in short water lang pwede)
  • Do a calorie count (I am on a 1,200 calorie per day)...measure your intake (Ex: 2 matchbox size lean meat, half cup rice, 1 cup of steamed vegetables and 1 fruit). Download a calorie list and substitute over the net. Will look for one and publish later on.
  • Know the food substitute (Ex: 1 cup rice = 2 slices of white bread= 1 cup of pasta = 300 cal)
  • Better to cook your own food so you are sure what's in it. Avoid buying fast food
  • Eat more vegetables, fish and fruits (not the sweet ones for they are packed with glucose)
Will post more diet and exercise materials on my upcoming blogs. Day 2 ko today...Goodluck sa akin! Sana mapanindigan ko to.