Thursday, December 29, 2011

So 2011 ends...

How will you celebrate your New Year's eve? That is the question I got from people. The usual...with family, food, drinks and lots of fun. I did get an invitation from someone. But of course family and friends come first. My Tatay will kill me if I am not with them. hahaha

The galavanter in me kicked in. It did cross my mind that I should plan a trip over the holidays next time. Get to experience different culture and be in a different place for a change. Hmmm...2012 or 2013 maybe.

Thinking of revamping the look of my blog. Maybe I will do it over the weekend if time permits. Been out and about recently doing more workout (no... I am not complaining). Have done a little traveling and will most likely do more next year. I am just glad I am back to my old self...the fun and carefree ME.

2011 ain't that bad. The year of challenges that made me stronger. The year of opportunities that made me better. The year of blessings that I am thankful for. The year that I met interesting people. The year I made life changing decisions. Life only gets better and to sum it up my life is awesomely fabulous.
Happy new year folks!

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