Monday, September 26, 2011

Back in the Ball Game

It’s been 5 months since the last time I posted something here. I have been busy with life changing decisions and milestones in my life. I am about to sleep tonight and had the urge to get up and start writing again. Have been devoting more of my time making life easier and happier. It’s been a long journey and now I can finally say I am going beyond this stage.
I feel so blessed with all the good things happening to me. I have been stressing too much with my misfortunes before that I neglected the good things in life. I have started to see things in a different way. Found my sanctuary every time I visit Baclaran. I have found my peace. When things get low and I feel weakened by life’s challenges HE keeps me strong. HE keeps me grounded. THANK YOU LORD for being in my life! THANK YOU for taking care of me in times I feel I am about to give up. You have given more than what I deserve. Please let me continue to be a blessing to other people. Keep me strong so I can continue to do work for YOU. Life is just happier!

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