Friday, November 27, 2009

Pasaway na Kris Kringle

What can I buy for Php 500 that is worth giving on Christmas for a Kris Kringle? This is going to be a very difficult task especially that the person I am giving this is special. It's easier to buy a gift that is worth more than this than constraining myself with a budget. I am forced to abide by the arrangement...crisis kasi ang lahat ng tao at this Christmas kailangan magtipid. Hmmm...nuninuninuni...ako kaya ay magwagi sa task na ito? Kasi nman si Big Brother eh pahirap sa task na to...waaahhh!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Survival Kit

A Girl's Survival Kit in getting by your day and do something meaningful and productive:
  • Friends- who you can tag along anywhere ; who never gets tired listening to your stories no matter how stupid they may sound; meet old friends that you haven't seen for a while; make new friends
  • Family- hangout with them and do something fun...we have been busy with so many things that we don't get to do this a lot.
  • Shopping- lots of shopping to dress yourself up and look good
  • Exercise & Sports- you need to look and feel healthy about wear those rubber shoes and start running or play badminton
  • Trip to a Salon/ Spa- nothing beats pampering yourself and not to mention increasing your marketability
  • Out of Town Trips- venture into the unknown, lots of travel
  • Read- start reading that book that you've been dying to read for ages
  • Study- enroll in a class or course...will definitely take all of your time not to mention increase your mental state. Study and take that certification that you have been putting off for so long.
  • Project- start a project...either for yourself or for a cause...start a foundation or teach street kids (been wanting to do this)
These are just things on top of my head now...any other suggestions are very much welcome.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wham! Burgers

Craving for a super tasty 1/3 pound heavy weight burger? Try the "Wham! Burgers" for a change. They got different selections of burgers and fries. A great food buddy while watching a movie. I love their Bronco burger though I can't finish the whole thing. Make sure you are hungry if you are to order one for this is very filling. Meat is cooked the way it is, in spite of the size it is not too messy and you can really taste the flavor and burgen bun is not soggy. They have different braches everywhere the metro but so far I have tried the one in Robinson's Place Mall in Ermita, Malate Manila plus another one along Katipunan. if I remember right the first time I tasted this was when I watched Transformers 2. I must say one of the BEST burger in town!

Ratings: Taste: 5 out of 5; Food Quality: 5 out of 5: Price: 4 out of 5 (Php 120-150); Sanitation: 4 out of 5

Som's Noodle House

Great Thai food that is affordable not to mention the generous serving doesn't come by easily especially if you are looking for that distinct taste. Try Som's Noodle House- it's a turo-turo/ carinderia style resto in a posh location. They have variety of viands, noodles and fried rice to choose from. Whenever we go here we always order their Phad Thai with Shrimp, Spring Rolls and Cat Fish Salad. One of our favorite take outs when craving for something spicy and tasty. Though it does not compare to those authentic Thai restaurant but it is definitely worth the price. The usual comment I get when I bring my friends with me to eat there is that they put too much sugar on almost all dishes. I don't know why that is but I think their food will taste better if they don't put much. I usually request my dish cooked more spicy and less sweet so my order taste better. You can choose from beef, chicken or shirmp to go with your order of noodles or rice.

This Noodle house is literally just a house with tons of tables outside. I suggest to come early to get a table or just order for take outs. Tis place gets really packed especially during meal hours. Parking is very difficult beacuse you just park on side streets so I always end up calling to order ahead and just pick it up.

Ratings: Food: 3 out of 5 (they put too much sugar on everything); Price: 5 out of 5; Food Quality: 4 out of 5 (freshly cooked); Sanitation: 3 out of 5

SOMS Noodle House, Makati
5921 Alger St. Poblacion (go along Kalayaan, and turn into the street of Grilla Rockwell)
Makati City, Metro Manila
(02) 483 3554

(Top to Bottom: Phad Thai with Shrimp, Chicken in Red Curry, Fried Tonto, Tom Yum Soup, Spring Rolls)

The Soup Kitchen

When you want a light meal for lunch or dinner this is the best place to go not to mention healthy. They've got a full bowl, half bowl and quarter bowl (dine in only) sizes for soup. They got salads and sandwiches too (full and half). Combo meal can be half soup and half sandwich of any choice...which I recommend since not everyone can finish a full bowl for it is filling. I was glad they put up the resto in Makati again. The previous resto was located at Gloriette 2 was wiped out by the bomb blast.

Ratings: Taste: 4 out of 5, Food Quality: 4 out of 5; Price 3 out of 5 (Php 200 pax), Sanitation: 4 out of 5

New Location:
The Soup KitchenGlorietta 5, Ayala Center
Makati City, Metro Manila
(02) 729-7687
Opens from Mon-Sun @ 10AM- 9PM

Monday, November 23, 2009

hoping for a good surprise

i am having a very lousy day today. i am hoping for something nice to happen. i needed something good today. i need to restore my belief and renew my dreams. it's mid day and i am still hoping...hoping for a good surprise....hay!

i miss travelling...i miss the beach...i miss my sunset...i miss going away...i miss the fun. maybe i should try travelling alone...hmmmm

just like my friend feels today..."I just want to be surprised with something thoughtful - not necessarily materialistic, but just something nice. A surprise from a person I haven't seen in ages, a simple bunch of flowers.. Just the simplest thought really - but the problem is, nobody has the surprise spirit anymore around me.... I seem to plan everything. "

I feel you B...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

They Make An A$$ of U and Me

some people would always assume:
  • you will always understand (even if you are just being patient or polite)
  • that you will always do what they say (because you are forced to)
  • that you are happy (just because you are smiling)
  • you are thrilled about the whole thing (even if it is boring)
  • you are their slave (because you get paid for it)
  • that you don't need romance, surprises and attention (because you don't ask for it)
  • that they can order you around (because they are the big fish and you are the small one)
  • that you are a millionaire (because you have a better job)
  • that you spend less because you earn more (even if you live on your own and pay for everything)
  • that you party all the time (when most often you are just at home)
  • that you cheat just because someone likes you (even if you don't like them back)
  • that what you got is just a flu (when it is something more)
  • that you are better off because you got money (when all you needed is to be loved)
  • that you are okay just because you don't talk (even if you just want to keep it down)
  • that you don't need help just because you don't ask for it (you don't want to be a burden to them)
who are they to tell you what to do? who are they to tell you what you are? who are they to be significant in your life? their opinions are theirs and not for you to take. you are what you are and love yourself for it. lessons in life is to expect less but be more grateful.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Andrea Bocelli — Con Te Partiro

Quando sono solo
Sogno all'orizzonte
E mancan le parole
Si lo so che non c'?luce
In una stanza
Quando manca il sole
Se non ci sei tu con me, con me.
Su le finestre
Mostra a tutti il mio cuore
Che hai acceso
Chiudi dentro me
La luce che
Hai incontrato per strada
Time to say goodbye
Paesi che non ho mai
Veduto e vissuto con te
Adesso si li vivro.
Con te partiro
Su navi per mari
Che io lo so
No no non esistono piu
It's time to say goodbye.

Quando sei lontana
Sogno all'orizzonte
E mancan le parole
E io si lo so
Che sei con me con me
Tu mia luna tu sei qui con me
Mio sole tu sei qui con me
Con me con me con me

Time to say goodbye
Paesi che non ho mai
Veduto e vissuto con te
Adesso si li vivro.
Con te partiro
Su navi per mari
Che io lo so
No no non esistono piu
Con te io li rivivro.
Con te partiro
Su navi per mari
Che io lo so
No no non esistono piu
Con te io li rivivro.
Con te partiro
Io con te.

Time to Say Goodbye
When I'm alone
I dream on the horizon
And words fail;
Yes, I know there is no light
In a room
Where the sun is not there
If you are not with me.
At the windows
Show everyone my heart
Which you set alight;
Enclose within me
The light you
Encountered on the street.

Time to say goodbye,
To countries I never
Saw and shared with you,
Now, yes, I shall experience them,
I'll go with you
On ships across seas
Which, I know,
No, no, exist no longer;
With you I shall experience them.

When you are far away
I dream on the horizon
And words fail,
And yes, I know
That you are with me;
You, my moon, are here with me,
My sun, you are here with me.
With me, with me, with me,

Time to say goodbye,
To countries I never
Saw and shared with you,
Now, yes, I shall experience them,
I'll go with you
On ships across seas
Which, I know,
No, no, exist no longer;
With you I shall re-experience them.
I'll go with you
On ships across seas
Which, I know,
No, no, exist no longer;
With you I shall re-experience them.
I'll go with you,
I with you.

Andrea and a Woman On Top

I have found a new way to calm my nerves when I am feeling agitated. I was annoyed by the loud music I heard when I stepped in at work. An insestive moron was playing loud music without any consideration for his other coworker. To top it all...he wasn't even on his table.

I decided to put on my earphones and play my Ipod. Browsing through my playlist there it was...Adrea Bocelli. I don't understand a word he is I wish I do. Surprisingly he can calm my nerves. I will just have to play his album over and over until this neanderthal stops playing his nerve wracking music. Another album on my playlist are the soundtracks from Woman on Top (Brazilian Bossa Nova Song from a movie) and Princess Hour (Korean Songs from a telenovela). I don't know what's with foreign music...regardless if I understand the words I just appreciate their music. Nothing beats French music of course either an original composition or version.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fr Michael Sinnott- A Survivor

3 days after the release of Fr Michael Sinnott (an elderly Irish priest held captive by a kidnap gang) I was fortunate to attend a mass where he is in. The church was packed and it was a Saturday. We attended a mass for the novena since it was the feast of Malate. After the mass he stood in front to say a few words about his ordeal during captivity. He is all smiles and was thankful for everyone who helped him and prayed for him. He even spoke in local language which was hilarious for an Irish priest.

I was fortunate to have received his blessings when he held my hand while he was walking to exit the church considering the flock of people who wants to get his blessings. It was nice and touching moment. Lessons learned is to alway be thankful for our life and blessings and we can all survive whatever it is we are going through with HIS help.

Fr Sinnott (79) - A Columban Missionary originally from Wexford was taken hostage by armed gunmen in Pagadian city on October 11th.

Cure for Cancer?

I am currently watching The Correspondence in ABS CBN. They are featuring a cure for cancer. It's Cryosurgery.

CRYOSURGERY- is the application of extreme cold to destroy abnormal or diseased tissue. This is a non-invasive procedure and use needles to super freeze the tumor. They use CT Scan to detect the cancer cells and prick the needle to it. Liquid nitrogen or argon gas is circulated through a hollow instrument called a cryoprobe, which is placed in contact with the tumor. The doctor uses ultrasound or MRI to guide the cryoprobe and monitor the freezing of the cells, thus limiting damage to nearby healthy tissue. May have fewer side effects than other types of treatments, and is less expensive and requires shorter recovery times.

This is currently done in FUDA Cancer Hospital, China and can cost you at least PHP 250, 000 for every treatment. A patient will at least require 3 treatments or depending on the severity of the case. 

Most people don't understand what a tumor patient feels unless you have been diagnosed yourself. We tend to take things lightly and just dismiss the idea like a flu that will go away. I was bothered by the patients who gave their testimonials about their illness and the treatments they underwent. It is disturbing to see a very healthy and lively young adult slowly succumbs to cancer.

News on a cure for cancer gives hope to those who have been diagnosed with a tumor whether benign or malignant. I salute these doctors who never stop in helping and giving hope to all the cancer patients out there.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Back to School

I have been contemplating on going back to school....been thinking about this for so long. Apart from increasing my marketability (career wise)...I like knowing the unknown...I like improving. I don't stop from learning:

* Reviewing for PMP- this is my priority and the most feasible one for now. Though a tough certification to get I need at least 6 months to review and study. I need to read the PMBOK at least 3 times apart from the other books I had to browse through.

* Take MBA @ either DLSU or Ateneo- have always wanted to take this right after college but didn't find the time or can't give my commitment to finish this. Been prioritizing work over everything for so long.

* Take Language Class- I have always been facinated with French and Spanish language. One limitation with learning these language here in Pinas is that nobody speaks it and I won't be able to put it into practice.

* Culinary Arts- My love for cooking is the one pushing me to do this. Maybe eventually when I am sure in finally putting up my dream resto.

* Play Saxophone- I got my saxophone since last year but haven't enrolled in a class yet. Not sure if I want to push through this.

What will I take? What do I do? I want to make my weekend productive not mention I want to keep learning. I definitely want to do all of this the only problem is which one first.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Only Thing I Hold On To

Who or what do you hold on to when things in your life goes wrong? When all fails I hold on to BRO. When you think everyone has abandoned you and has forsaken you...It's HIM you can run to. For times when someone has disappointed you just pray and ask for faith. When someone was weak and left you...ask for courage and acceptance. When you failed to get what you want just start counting your blessings. It's a matter of changing how you see life and everything else in it.

As we go through life we can't avoid failures and pain. They make us stronger and better people. We just have to learn from them and move on. There is no sense of lingering over spilled milk. Of course there will be sadness and loneliness...we are human and we are predisposed to feel like that. The only thing that differs is how long will you allow yourself to be in that state.

Someone gave me cross...he got it while at the church attending a mass. A simple and yet meaningful gift.

I wish you well...the same way you wish the best for me.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

All Time Favorite

I miss this...I am not a huge fan of chocolates and I prefer sour candies. My all time favorite is Icebreakers (Sours) especially the Pink Lemonade, Appe, Tangerine and Watermelon flavor. When I go to US or a friend visits I always request this. It's been a while since the last time someone gave me some. A hard to find here in Pinas...and if you find one a bit pricey for a candy.

Friday, November 6, 2009

How do you surprise a woman?

Here are some tips to surprise your woman and for sure she will return the favor and you will have her 100% attention:

• Dinner with candle light, sweet music, flowers and the works. Doesn't have to be creative. You can cook for her and dine at the veranda or anywhere with a view.
• Give her a nice massage after a long day's work...set the mood by putting scented candles or oil burner and dim the lights.
• Buy her can splurge if you got the dough...but you can keep it simple if you are on a budget. It's not the price that counts but the thought and presentation.
• Give her flowers on unexpected don't need occasions for it the old way...every woman would swoon over this. A dozen of newly sharpened pencil or a dozen of BananaQue are more unique. This is a sure winner especially if she is mad at you for something you did wrong.
• Go on an instant picnic...don't tell her where you are going but surprise her with picnic by the beach or roof top or anywhere romantic.
• Make her breakfast (pancake, bacon, eggs, orange juice, etc).
• Slip a note on her wallet or bag saying how much you adore her...makes you happy.
• Give her a card without any reason.
• Pamper her when she is sick...remind her to take her medicines every time she is scheduled to take it.
• Hire someone to serenade her at work or at home.
• Put a reminder on her phone or calendar and just say something sweet.
• Send her an invitation via snail mail on a dinner or any event you wish to take her.
The list can go on and on but for now these are all I can think of. There are times I keep thinking I was an Italian man in my past life. I am not a master with these things but I do try to understand man and woman.

Good luck!