Monday, November 23, 2009

hoping for a good surprise

i am having a very lousy day today. i am hoping for something nice to happen. i needed something good today. i need to restore my belief and renew my dreams. it's mid day and i am still hoping...hoping for a good surprise....hay!

i miss travelling...i miss the beach...i miss my sunset...i miss going away...i miss the fun. maybe i should try travelling alone...hmmmm

just like my friend feels today..."I just want to be surprised with something thoughtful - not necessarily materialistic, but just something nice. A surprise from a person I haven't seen in ages, a simple bunch of flowers.. Just the simplest thought really - but the problem is, nobody has the surprise spirit anymore around me.... I seem to plan everything. "

I feel you B...


  1. if only i know where you live i would send you some...cheer up!

  2. thanks for the thought...i could really use some cheering up today

  3. ako ay nabigo...ibang klaseng surprise ang araw na to...asa pa!

  4. Note on ref? Too late :( hehe. I'll always be here.

  5. saw it the next day na...hahaha...still a nice surprise =)
