Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Cook in Me- Pasta Dish

I have always dreaMed of putting my own restaurant. I love to cook...All of my friends know that. Here are some dish I made for the past weeks. When I am stressed out from work I grab mY pan and make something out of stuff in my fridge. Please dOn't ask for recipes...I am too lazy to write them down. I just put things together and don't strickly follow one either. Got tons of cookbook and just go through the ingredients and process sometimes.

Here are some pasta dish I made...will post some more on my upcoming articles...
(Fetuccine Americana, Dory in Feta Cheese, Mexican Farfalle, Penne in Seafood White Sauce,
Sloppy Joe Cannelloni, Shirmp & Lemon Linguini, Seafood Putanesca)


  1. The dishes here are delicious. None of them a failure. I can guarantee that. I'm going to miss your cooking. Lucky is the one who will end up with the cook of these dishes. Thanks. I appreciate every bite.

  2. thanks...appreciate the compliment...of course I can always cook nman anytime =)
