Monday, August 31, 2009

Friday Drinking Feast

Once every Friday we drop by at Hyatt Music Bar just to hangout and release the workweek stress. Mae the bar manager is a very great host and serves us with different coctail mixes. Hyatt serves one of the best drink in the Metro. Try their Mango Palooza and Carnival Martini...another superb drink is the Kiwi Apple Fizz. Here are some drinks I have tried so far:

(Mojito Cooler, Strawberry Daiquiri, Mint Mojito, Hypirina Mojito, Blow job, Apple Martini, Mango Palooza, Apple Kiwi Fizz, Carnival Martini, Mango Baileys)

Taste: 5 out of 5; Price: Have no idea...drinks were for free...hahaha; Sanitation: 5 out of 5

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Shawarma Snack Center

If you are within Manila and you would like a taste of a great Indian food...I know a great one. Nothing fancy just a simple restaurant who serves one of the best shawarma rice and green salad. Not to mention the cheap along Salas St near Mabini St in Malate.

Definitely order their Shawarma Rice (Basmati Rice with pine nuts) and Spicy Beef Curry.

Taste: 4 out of 5; Price: 5 out of 5; Sanitation: 3 out of 5

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grant Me the Courage

I was angry...really angry...I was never this mad in my entire life. When you think everything is doing okay then something really bad happens and there is nothing I can do. Maybe God has other plans for everyone. What will I do? I still haven't figure that out...I am in a blackhole right now...nowhere...nothing...everything is endless...everything is worthless.

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Lord help me survive this greatest challenge in my life. I give it all up to you now. Please take care of me.

The Perfect Love Song

Today I finally got it. My best gift ever...a song written for me. The lyrics has been given to me way back but it's just today I finally heard it. It is full of emotions...I can't help myself but cry when I listen to it. Galeng sobra! This song will always be special and the best birthday gift I ever got.

Super Thanks...More Love!

Friday, August 28, 2009

My Angel Without Wings

During my darkest hour you never left me. During the hardest time you are always there. During trials you walked beside me. During failures you held my hand and lift me up. When in doubt you gave me assurance. When I feel neglected you made me feel special. When I feel forsaken you were there to be with me. You are my angel without precious...

I miss you love...

You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling

I was driving to work and Friday Madness was playing at 89.9. Panalo sa song playing and talagang natawa ako...called up my couz Teks and we sang to it with all our hearts out...hahaha. This is for you couz..."TO THE WOUNDS THAT NEVER HEAL"...

You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling

You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips
And there's no tenderness like before in your finger tips
You're trying hard not to show it
But baby, baby I know itYou've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
Oh that Lovin' FeelingYou've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
Now it's gone gone gone oh oh oh
There's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach for you
And girl you're starting to criticize little things I do
Ooh, it makes me just feel like crying (baby)
'Cause baby something beautiful's dying
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
Oh that Lovin' Feeling
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
Not it's gone gone gone oh oh oh
Baby baby I get down on my knees for you
If you would only love me like you used to(If you would only love me love me)
We had a love, a love that you don't find everyday(A love you don't find)
So don't don't don't let it slip away (away)
I said babyBabyBabyBabyI need your love (I need your love)
I need your loveSo bring it on back (bring it on back)
Now bring it on backNow bring it on back
You've got to bring back that lovin' feeling
Oh that lovin' feelingBring back that lovin' feeling 'cause it's gone gone goneoh oh oh
Bring back that lovin' feeling
Oh that lovin' feeling
Bring back that lovin' feeling 'cause it's gone gone gone
Bring back that lovin' feelingOh that lovin' feeling
Bring back that lovin' feeling 'cause it's gone gone gone
Bring back that lovin' feeling

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Never to Ask Again

I always believe that giving your best at any situation is the right thing to do. Giving and not and not feeling. But one day you just wake up and realize there is nothing to give anymore. No matter how much you try it will always be the same to them...what you did is nothing...just a regular thing. You remain less interesting.

I have to love myself more than anyone else. I need to take care of myself more than anything else. I have given myself away too much already and it's time to take myself back...back to where it's going to be appreciated...well taken care and loved.

If they don't want to try then why should I? If you can give me a good enough reason for this then maybe I can reconsider. I am getting tired of giving away myself...getting tired of waiting for nothing...getting tired of being taken for granted. I will never ask for directions anymore...I am done. Whatever comes then so be it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Nirvana

I have been meaning to write about this but just finding the right title for it.

NIRVANA- The Buddha described nirvana as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger and other afflictive states..."the highest happiness".

Doesn't everyone have a happy place? A place where they go when everything else is going wrong...when you want to escape this crazy world. It's where you find your peace and time stood still. It's the cooling air that blows on your face and the sound of trees as they dance with the wind...the waves of the water and the chirping of the birds. It's where I catch my beLOVEd sunset. After a crazy day it gives me peace and calmness.

Grab a cup of extra hot Starbucks Cafe Mocha with Hazelnut and Mint, chicken basil sandwich, a bag of Lays potato chips or a tray of california maki. Off I go...a place I share with another lost soul in search of LOVE. We sit down over the edge, sip on the hot coffee...watching my ever colorful sunset. My mind is liberated from all worries and least for a moment my mind is free. Going here gives me a breather from the stressful life that we all have.

Here are some pictures I have taken using my phone camera and the only thing I can share with you:

This is my secret place...MY OWN NIRVANA I will be selfish this time and can't tell you where this is exactly for this is MY secret sanctuary and it won't be the same if everyone knows about it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

When do you know it's real?

Have you been in love? In a REAL sense of the meaning of TRUE love? When do you know it is real? How can you tell if it is just an infatuation or false assumption or attachment or need?

You know it is real If:
* it makes you a better have and wilL become your full potential
* it makes you feel cOmplete (parang mala Jerry complete me)
* it is not selfish and is giVing without expecting anything in return
* it is uncoditional and vEry forgiving
* it is consistent and never rockY
* it understands and seldOm question
* there is trUst, openess and respect
* it accepts the whole you including your faults and brokeness
* it makes you sMile without him/ her doing anything special
* you cAn see yourself growing old together
* it never doubts wHat you feel
* it complements your weAkness and encourage your strenghts
* it is unwavering in spite of any probLems and challenges
* it never gives up and will keep trying
* it goes beyond beauty and material things
* you can stay true and will never intend to hurt
* you can waKe up with the same person for the rest of your life
* you want to be with the persOn not because of need/ obligation but because of choice
* you can stand up for the person regardless of any trials you have to face
* you die and have to re-live your life you still will choose to be in it

My list can go on and yet you may still not know what you really want. Have I been in love in a real sense...I have...the level may vary of course. Whoever is been in love like this is very lucky for we rarely find it in one lifetime. If you are in it treasure it and make it work. You just don't know how many people would want to be in your shoes now. There are some people who stay in a relationship because of need or obligation. This is not a matter of just being happy but it's a matter of being true to yourself and the people around you. Sometimes you have to make difficult choices but in the long run those were the best choices you may have made for the rest of your life. It is not too late to change and decide...make it happen until you still have the time and chance to do it.

Is it for real? You alone can say that for not everyone knows what you really feel and they don't know what will really make you happy. You are the only one who can make your life worth living.

Have a great Sunday LOVE!
***pic from the net

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Heart Died A Thousand Times

It's like you got a lump on your throat and you can't swallow.
It's like an elephant foot on your breast and you can't breathe.
It's like a bitter pill you can't take.
It's like a brain freezing headache that won't go away.

You can't sleep.
You can't eat.
Nothing makes sense.
Everything stood still.

Stone Solid Pain...that's what it is.

***pic from the net

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Ever Changing Moods – Sitti

Daylight turns to moonlight And I'm at my best
Praising the way it all works Gazing upon the rest
The cool before the warm The calm after the storm
The cool before the warm The calm after the storm
I wish to stay forever Letting this be my food
But I'm caught up in a whirlwind And my ever changing moods

Bitter turns to sugar Some call a passive tune
But the day things turn sweet For me won't be too soon

The hush before the silence The winds after the blast
The hush before the silence The winds after the blast
I wish we'd move together This time the bosses sued
But we're caught up in the wilderness And an ever changing mood

Teardrops turn to children Who've never had the time
To commit the sins they pay for through Another's evil mind

The love after the hate The love we leave too late
The love after the hate The love we leave too late
I wish we'd wake up one day An' everyone feel moved
But we're caught up in the dailies And an ever changing mood

Evil turns to statues And masses form a line
But I know which way I'd run to If the choice was mineThe past is knowledge

The present our mistake The past is knowledge The present our mistake
And the future was always leave too late I wish we'd come to our senses
And see there is no truth In those who promote the confusion
For this ever changing mood

What do you do when you feel low and blue?

Here are some things you can do when you feel like it's one of those days...100% this will take your mind out of whatever is driving you nuts:
  • drive around...road trip ka lang until your gas run out
  • go to a friend's house and stay for some kwento
  • go to a salon and spa and pamper yourself (get a new hairstyle or massage)
  • watch your favorite feel good movie while eating pringles sour cream flavor and hazelnut brownie ice need comfort food
  • grab some beer (in my case vodka cruiser since I don't drink beer) while watching a really nice flick (ung mapapaisip ka ng matindi na makakalimutan mo problema mo pagtapos)
  • watch the sunset (my favorite past time and I know the best spot) and drink coffee (Starbucks Mocha with Hazelnut & Mint)
  • talk endlessly over the phone/ chat/text with "your people"
  • watch the disney channel
  • do something stupid and funny
  • go shopping and buy that shoes/ dress you have been dying for months
  • clean your house
  • road trip to an unknown province or city (beach is the best place to go)
  • cook something nice (my stress reliever)
  • work until you can work no more
  • go grocery shopping (i find this therapeutic) and spend hours on the condiments/ herb & spices section while you figure out what nice meal you can make out of them
  • exercise (kaso katamad most of the time) while watching the lifestyle channel
  • plays some sports for 5 hours (patayan na game)
  • go out with some friends who would understand why you are quiet and take you to a funny movie, grab a wham burger with NY fries and laugh out loud
  • go to a nice bar/ hotel and ask the bartender to make you different kinds of drinks
  • sleep all day

Once in a while d' day gets to you...try not to get sucked in with the crappy feeling...go out...NEVER stay at home alone...this will drive you crazy. Do something that will make you feel better...something that will make you feel what you are worth. CHEERS NA!!!

***pic from the net

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Cook in Me- Pasta Dish

I have always dreaMed of putting my own restaurant. I love to cook...All of my friends know that. Here are some dish I made for the past weeks. When I am stressed out from work I grab mY pan and make something out of stuff in my fridge. Please dOn't ask for recipes...I am too lazy to write them down. I just put things together and don't strickly follow one either. Got tons of cookbook and just go through the ingredients and process sometimes.

Here are some pasta dish I made...will post some more on my upcoming articles...
(Fetuccine Americana, Dory in Feta Cheese, Mexican Farfalle, Penne in Seafood White Sauce,
Sloppy Joe Cannelloni, Shirmp & Lemon Linguini, Seafood Putanesca)

One Day It all Ends

What if one day you found out you got cancer??? What are you going to do? I have posted this question in FB and I am surprised to read people's reaction. They thought I got something and replies were a bit sad. Well for now I don't think I have it...not that I know of. But based on my health history the possibilty of getting one is not really impossible. I was diagnosed with PCOS 10 years ago. It was removed through D & C. After biopsy the doctor said the cyst is metaplasmic meaning it can mutate to cancer. For now I am okay...I think.

I haven't had my check up for more than 3 years now and the last time I had it the doctor said there are some growing already. I am scared to go back and find out if I have it. But I guess it's better to know now for this won't go away anyway.

One day when you find out that your time is up...what are you going to do? The most important thing to ask yourself when you are losing track of your life and not thankful of it.

How do you know?

"How do you know when how much is too much? Too much too soon. Too much information. Too much fun. Too much love. Too much to ask... And when is it all just too much to bear?" - Meredith Grey

***pic from the net

Start of A New Journey

This is the 3rd time I am attempting to start to blog again. For some reasons I have deleted my other 2 blogs. It's like finishing a chapter in your life in search of a new one. Right now I can say I am a lost soul trying to find meaning to what life is all about.

A galavanter at heart...searching for places to go...great food to eat...interested in people...go through the a mission to find what Life is all about and why am I created in this world.

I hope this next blog site of mine touches so many heart and help others who are lost too. I would like to share to you my life as it unfolds and I do hope you enjoy the journey as you travel with me.
Welcome to my world!!