Friday, January 6, 2012

Life is just better

If you read my previous blogs (some are still here and some I had to take out) you would know my real story. Maybe I said too much that is why I never really felt disclosing my identity here so that I can be more open and vocal about my thoughts. I made life changing decisions for 2011. Definitely things that will be for the books.

Is life better? Yes it is. I feel so blessed with many good things that was given to me for the past months. For the days I go to church and pray...God gave me what I have always been requesting. Healing from pain. I was free from it. It's been months now that I can say I am okay. Was comfortable being alone just loving the sanctuary of my home and my own solitude. I plan for myself and do things for myself and my love ones.

Though having someone would be nice.  Of course I do miss the feeling of being in love. I miss giving out surprises and taking care of someone.The times you call or text someone just to remind them of how special they are. That someone who is your driving force and support group of 1. If God grants it then I just consider it as a bonus.

Happiness is a perspective and I changed it. I try to see the good things in every bad situation. Appreciate everything that surrounds me. Made more friends and been traveling. Take care of myself more and eat healthier. I just prayed harder and been nicer.  Life has been good to me and I'm just happier. I can't complain. =)

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you are happier. the old YOU that i use to know
