Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Brush it off

Often times we are faced with either difficult situation, difficult people and if you are lucky…both. How do you deal with these things? As we get older we are expected to be wiser. I have been through hell and back with my life. Life is short and every moment should be something that you would like to remember as memorable. Good or bad? As long as it contributed to your well being and will make you a better person. Each moment spent should be a story to tell or remember. When faced with these circumstances I just choose to either:

• See things in a positive perspective
• Put myself in someone else’s shoes
• Pray harder that I have the patience and courage to deal with it
• Shake it off and move on
• Let it slide and totally forget about it
• Give more importance to people and relationship
• Be thankful of the other blessings that I have

If you let yourself be affected by this negativity then no one wins. Everyone is on a losing end. Life and situations are hard…no one said it is easy. You have the choice…don’t move and complain when stuck in a rain or learn to enjoy and experience it. Life is beautiful!

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