Thursday, December 29, 2011

So 2011 ends...

How will you celebrate your New Year's eve? That is the question I got from people. The usual...with family, food, drinks and lots of fun. I did get an invitation from someone. But of course family and friends come first. My Tatay will kill me if I am not with them. hahaha

The galavanter in me kicked in. It did cross my mind that I should plan a trip over the holidays next time. Get to experience different culture and be in a different place for a change. Hmmm...2012 or 2013 maybe.

Thinking of revamping the look of my blog. Maybe I will do it over the weekend if time permits. Been out and about recently doing more workout (no... I am not complaining). Have done a little traveling and will most likely do more next year. I am just glad I am back to my old self...the fun and carefree ME.

2011 ain't that bad. The year of challenges that made me stronger. The year of opportunities that made me better. The year of blessings that I am thankful for. The year that I met interesting people. The year I made life changing decisions. Life only gets better and to sum it up my life is awesomely fabulous.
Happy new year folks!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I don't want a perfect person. I just want someone to act silly with, someone who treats me well and loves being with me more than anything. ---The Notebook

Sunday, December 18, 2011

S T O K E D !!!

Location: Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines
Best Time to Travel: Anytime of the year even when rainy. Though not advisable during strong rain or typhoon since waves and current are more unstable.
Accomodation: For resorts and hotel accomodation go to San Fernando or San Juan. Bacnotan does not have any resorts or resting facility. This is still under developed but considered as one of the good surf site in the province. They have more friendly waves and less current. Accomodations can cost you Php 700-3000/room depending on the resort and location.
Surf Lessons: Go to San Fernando and look for Chris Par. He is a very good instructor.
Cost: Php 400/ hour of lesson including rent of surf board. Jeep rent for Php 600-800 if you wish to be taken to different surf sites.
Transportation: There are bus from Manila and other parts of the province. Try Partas or Dominion. Fare from Manila is Php 500-600/ pax (one way).
Food: There are several restaurants in the area so food is not a problem. Fast food are not accessible though. You may need to travel to the town proper for it.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars for a tourist and fun destination.
  • Make sure to wear a rash guard when surfing to prevent rash or wounds when climbing up the board while surfing. Preferably wear longer surf shorts to protect your knee from rash too.
  • For newbies I do suggest you take the lessons and don't try it on your own. The first 15- 30 mins should be instructional or surf lessons the rest will be actual ride on the board.
  • Do have a surf buddy or an instructor to be safe.
  • Definitely wear sun block with SPF 50-70. You will get a tan even if it is cloudy. Sun usually peaks at 10AM-02:00PM.
Surfing my accidental high! Definitely going back soon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Entry 10: Back to Me

So it was last day session at Sexy Solutions yesterday. Thought of using it for my abs. So after the treatment I lost an inches on my waistline. Not that I haven't for the previous weeks. I actually lost 3 inches through diet alone. I was surprised to have fit in my old jeans and slacks. I mistakenly picked a one size smaller pants at Zara and fit me perfectly. I tried on a new long sleeves polo shirt that's been sitting in my closet for months. I can't wear it since it was too tight before. Overall I lost 11 lbs since I started with the treatment and flexitarian diet. Never felt better and lighter for so long.

So I had a basketball and badminton game last Sunday. A and I played with the was fun. Then yesterday was so hyped about doing something active so ran from Rockwell back to Nicanor Garcia and back to Rockwell. I haven't done that for ages but it felt great. My body is hurting a good way. Wohooo....15 more pounds and I am back to my old self...definitely bringing sexy back! :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Entry 9: Stick to the Plan

 I have been tempted so many times to cheat on my diet. Good thing I am able to resist. On my 5th week and still feeling better. No cravings and binging. I did had a piece of beef yesterday though. I figured if I don't deprive myself then I won't have to deal with the cravings more difficult. Turns out I am okay and was able to resist eating too much. I am beginning to love the taste of fish and have been eating chicken. Still going Flexitarian. Lost 3 inches on my wasteline and still losing pounds (slowly). Lost 9lbs to date...not bad since I just started with my diet last month. My clothes have started to losen up. I am beginning to fit on my old pants now. Flatter tummy and feels light. Going flexitarian and all natural is a lifestyle change that will make you feel good in and out. Just happy I am surviving this diet. One thing I need to improve on is stick to my gym sessions...just can't find the time these days.

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's been a looong time since the last time I felf comfortable being single and alone. I can catch up on so many things...go back to reading...go back to the gym...go people...take care of ME...not worry about anything...discovering life and people...hopefully traveling soon...planning one this month.

Life is just happier and sweeter.  I'm loving it!