Monday, November 8, 2010

Just the other day our VP said I had to finish the PAGASA project earlier than scheduled. Why? Because our yearend bonus won't be given unless this is billed this year. They are asking a miracle from me...late start and early finish...whew!

What to do? 24 x 7 work schedule if possible...weekend work onsite. Good thing all my project team and client have been very cooperative and contributing. Everyone was willing to finish the job on time. I sent out project updates today and I did get kind and appreciating words from our Pres and VP. Hard work is paying off somehow.

Stress is getting to me lately...been sick to my stomach...rumbling for no reason...terrible headache...throwing up once in a while. Hay buhay! I just keep saying to myself...this is not just for our company but most specially in the service of our country. I really hope with the effort we are giving that we finish this and meet our deadline. Getting a bonus is just a plus.

Lord please grant me the courage to go on. Keep my mind and body healthy so I can finish this. All I can do is my best and I leave to You the rest.

1 comment:

  1. I finished it a month ahead of the deadline. Miracles do happen. I had a very good team who worked with me on this. :)
