Monday, April 5, 2010

Project Runaway: Tsinelas Para Kay Juan

Instead of going out for drinks and dinner with friends and family for my upcoming birthday. I will be giving away slippers/ shoes to the street children from Hands On Manila Foundation. I would like to request for donations of new or used (in good condition) slippers and shoes or anything you can spare for these children (ages 6-12 years old). Feel free to message me for your donations.

I am still coordinating with the foundation and working on the details of the activity. Distribution of items will most likely be done during their feeding program every Saturday. I will be more than willing to make arrangements to pick up your donations on or before May 20, 2010.

If you wish to be a volunteer feel free to visit the site

or contact them at:
--phone: (632) 843-7044; 473-7458; 386-6521

Lend A Hand, Make a Difference, Be The Change…Volunteer!

God Bless everyone!

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