Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What does those recycling numbers in plastics mean?

The environmentalist (kuno) in me always thinks of how to save on resources and recycle materials. I have been using bottled container often and wondered how safe it is to reuse plastics. Plastics are sanitary materials and can be reused as long as we clean them very well and dry them thoroughly. Plastics just like any other materials harbor bacteria if they are not clean and not because of what it is made of. I wonder what those recycling plastic number you find at the bottom of container means. So I searched the internet and found a good source http://www.thedailygreen.com/. I made a matrix summary for easier reference.

Here it is:
Looking at the information I guess it is safe to say that we use porcelain or glass containers especially in heating food just to be sure. If we can't avoid using plastics then we should go for 2, 4 and 5. Definitely NOT 1 (it can leak carcinogenic, hormone-disrupting phthalates when used over and over again) 3 (PVC can leak cancer-causing dioxins, which is one of the most toxic environmental pollutant) and 6 (Can also be dangerous, as its base component, styrene, has been associated with skin, eye and respiratory irritation, depression, fatigue, compromised kidney function, and central nervous system damage). Let's be safe and check everything that we use. Recycle.

***feel free to e-mail me if you want a copy of the file.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Entry 13: Up an Inch...Down an Inch

I am on my 2 week at Plana Forma. I enrolled myself in an unlimited class and currently doing a 4x4 challenge. A member should attend 4 classes in a week 4 times a week. Once completed she will be entitled to a 15% off on her next monthly membership. The only sport/ workout that can wake me up really early (knowing I am not a morning person). I lost 2 inches in my waistline for both upper and lower abs.This class really motivates me and I must say this workout is really working.

Just when I went shopping last week I was 2 sizes down from my fat self. Not bad at all…regaining my old size. Primarily I did it for the challenge and the discount is just an added bonus. I have completed 10 session already and definitely intending to finish the challenge. Love it! #healthybod

Thursday, March 1, 2012

STATUS: In a Relationship?

Being in a relationship does not mean a person is happy neither does being single means he/she is sad. The culture that we have now associate happiness on the condition that every individual should be in a relationship. I don’t think they heard about single blessedness. People find it odd that an individual can find pleasure in being alone and free. Maybe it’s the past experiences and situations that I had where I always end up in a bad relationship. I needed time to heal and find myself whole again. I guess I am still at that stage and just enjoying the freedom I have now. Freedom from being conventional… freedom from expectations… freedom from limitations of what one can and cannot do…freedom to explore life and live it…freedom from pain…freedom from all the craziness of what a relationship brings.

Some journey can be heartbreaking. Pain and failures can make you beautiful and a better person. It can bring new possibilities. They can be life changing. It makes you strong and a better person.

Don’t get me wrong…I like being in love. I miss the feeling of being in love. I am a hopeless romantic. But there will come a time in your life where you have given away so much of yourself that you lose yourself in the process. You need time to be whole again. The way to do that is you take time off and just take care of yourself. You need to feel alive again…be excited about everything…experience life. Right now I am in love…I am in a relationship…I am happy…with ME, MYSELF and I. #happyheart